Karleen England

Aspiring Full-Stack Developer | Dallas, TX

Hi, there! My name is Karleen and I'm an aspiring Full-Stack Developer. I currently serve as a Senior Customer Support Representative at Rev.com. Thanks to my career in customer service, I've gained valuable experience in client relations and a passion for customer satisfaction. I'll bring a unique background to your developer team, empowering you to bridge the gap between technical teams and customer expectations. I look forward to working with you!

Let's Connect:


PacMan Dance Party


Add any number of PacMan icons to the page, then watch them bounce around your screen.

Mona Lisa's Moving Eyes


Watch these moving eyes follow your mouse around the screen.

Drive Tracker


Follow the map on a real-time drive from MIT to Harvard.

See more of my work on GitHub


Programming Languages



  • Customer-focused Service
  • Google IT Certified
  • Social Marketing
  • Training & Onboarding
  • Limited Working French